Thursday, October 24

UNBELIEVABLE!!! Smart and Hungry Alligator Made A Snap Decision To Go Shopping At A Supermarket

It was a moment of surprise when an unwelcome customer (A 6-foot-long Alligator) visited Wal-Mart supermarket in Florida on Sunday.

The reptile (1.8m long) that made an unwelcome visit to the supermarket stopped at the door store’s entrance which caused the automatic door to open and close before the workers of the supermarket permanently locked the doors to keep it out.

The alligator that wandered up to the store midnight Sunday was locked outside before he could head inside to peruse the latest buy one. The employees called the police and trapper to seize the reptile.

The police tried to stop the Animal that was spotted at the front of the store. The police blocked off the area and lure the alligator away but after an hour it returned back to the woods behind the store.

One word for the Alligator……Alligator wanders in front of walmart…….Smart indeed?!
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